- Plastic Bags Wholesale
Submitted by: Don Del
So what if I was five minutes late and reeking of body odor. They know I m a busy, hard working dude, right? Wrong.
Who cares if I drive an army jeep. It s really a Lexus with a smarter price tag, right? Wrong again.
Unfortunately for most of us, first impressions don t come with an Undo function or Restore feature. It is a lesson usually learned the hard way. But if it is online sales we are talking about, can you afford the oversight?
We know that people respond to things colors, fonts, images, messages, timing, environment. Studies indicate that 3 to 4 seconds on a web page is what we can expect a viewer to spend on our precious web page. It is frightening. Or is it? Given this information, – we have a golden opportunity to cash in and take advantage of this. But how?
First of all, viewers are seeking information, usually from a browser search. If you have been lucky enough to have been found, by all means eliver your message. Reward the viewer with immediate, specific information that they want based on your own keywords. Bam! Otherwise you re done for.
Delivering your message means answering their questions. Immediately! Don t make them click around to find the needed information hidden in an obscure place. You have a much better chance of winning over your visitors by letting them know up front all vital information price, availability, ingredients, whatever the specifics may be. You will be rewarded with their trust, and with their trust you have an opportunity to capture their information to market additional related products to them.
Any worthy affiliate marketer knows that capturing their audience through an optin page is like money in the bank. Why? Because you are collecting information on your specific audience. Most lists you can purchase might have a return of 1% sales. That is because lists tend to be more general. But when you generate a list of people who are specifically interested in products like yours, you literally have a gold mine! Why do they opt in? Because you offer them a free download or gift of some sort – information related to their search and your product. And to get the free download they have to provide their name and email. A sweet deal. You can then legally market to them.
So the first rule in making a good impression is to give them what they are looking for. The second rule is to captivate them by making it visually appealing. Many of us know that the skin of an orange in no way reflects the flavor and quality of the fruit. But when was the last time you purchased a blemished, off-color orange? I m going to guess never, because marketers know better. They are pulped for juice instead. Well, what does that tell us? Packaging is all about convincing the buyer of the product s value. We cannot assume that the viewer will simply intuit that our product is best, we need to convince them with every means possible. Especially in a competitive marketplace, where you are often up against numerous competing products. Can yours really afford to look average? Not if you hope to make sales. Would you choose the brown paper bag over the stainless steel platter? Probably not.
The good news is, it is quite easy to give your product a professional look to insure it will capture the interest of your audience. Purchasing professional graphics for your eProduct is the best guarantee of standing out in a competitive market of similar products. The value of a great first impression really cannot be overstated. Please don t make the miscalculation of believing you can pull off a cover design because you have a copy of Photoshop and a handful of system fonts. You wouldn t hire a guy to play music at an important event just because he owns a guitar, would you?
To sum up, when you ve put your heart and soul into creating a product you know has real value, make that first impression a positive one by including professionally designed graphics by an online graphics pro.
About the Author: Don Del, designer for
, is a seasoned professional. Combining a degree in Professional Advertising Art and years of experience working with publishing houses and individual marketers, he creates stunning designs for online marketers.
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