Cure The ‘Same Old Jewelry Blues’ With Unique Fashion Jewelry

Cure The ‘Same Old Jewelry Blues’ With Unique Fashion Jewelry

July 3, 2021

By Julia White

With the popularity of ‘big box’ stores, it is easy to get the same old jewelry blues. Every woman has gone through it at least once in her life. A special occasion or event comes up that requires a special piece of jewelry. You want to find a piece of unique fashion jewelry that shows off your style and originality. But, when you get to the mall, you find the same old thing in every store. You are forced to sacrifice your sense of fashion (and a lot of cash) to buy whatever you can find. You arrive at your big event, only to find out that you, and three other ladies, are wearing the exact same jewelry ensemble. Your elegant evening turns from ‘Cinderella’ to ‘Attack of the Clones.’ How embarrassing!

Why is it hard to find Unique Fashion Jewelry? Let’s face it ladies, America’s ‘big box’ trend is causing a negative effect on our shopping selection. National and world-wide chains are slowly pushing most small, locally owned stores out of business. The result: Fewer stores, a smaller jewelry selection, fashion clones and the same old jewelry blues.

How do we cure the jewelry blues? There is no reason for you to suffer through the same old jewelry blues ever again! Cinderella moments will follow fast if you master the following four steps:


1. Pick a style or theme of unique fashion jewelry that is meaningful to you. For some women it will be a special design or insignia, like a Fleur de Lis. For others, it will be a certain jewelry designer or color. Many will choose jewelry that is an antique, a collectable or a historically accurate replica. No matter what the reasoning, find a jewelry design or theme that is special to you. Look through jewelry books, fashion magazines, and the internet.

2. Do your homework. Once you find the jewelry style or styles that you want, research which manufacturer makes it and which retailers carry the line. This information helps you in two ways. First, if you know where your favorite fashion jewelry is made and how easy/hard it is to find it, you will have a better idea of how much you should spend. Obviously, harder to find limited edition pieces will cost more. Second, if you know who sells the jewelry, you can keep a constant eye out for new pieces or sales. Do not wait for the week before a big event to look for new jewelry. Be prepared. Shop early and buy often.

3. Choose locally owned and Mom & Pop retailers. The best way to ensure a broad selection of unique fashion jewelry is to have a vast array of small retailers. Put your money where your mouth is. If you like the diversity that local boutiques and online retailers bring to the market, support them with your cash. For example, if you have a cause, such as the rebuilding of post-Katrina New Orleans, choose New Orleans area business (I like

4. Give feedback. Tell the stores what you like and do not like. The best part about locally owned and Mom & Pop stores is that they will listen to you. They want your business and want to hear your feedback and suggestions. (Try getting that from *Mart!)

Do not get tricked by the shopping clones that say, ‘Who cares if I shop at big box stores? I am getting what I want for a cheaper price. That is the way of a free market.’ That excuse is acceptable for generic items like toothbrushes and floor cleaner. Why would any woman want to be generic and cheap when it comes to her style?

About the Author: Julia White is a content writer for

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